Traditional Virtual Care Doesn’t Work for Grocers

Grocery Worker Happy at work because of employee benefits
Grocery worker chatting with a doctor

Grocery workers have unique challenges when it comes to accessing virtual care, including:

  • Limited privacy. 
  • Unpredictable work schedules that make it difficult to honor appointments.
  • Hurried employee breaks that don’t accommodate traditional doctor visits. 
grocery worker at checkout smiling

See why CirrusMD is perfectly suited for grocery workers

At CirrusMD, we’ve got a better virtual care solution for grocers. Your employees:

  • Connect with a doctor in less than 60 seconds.
  • Initiate visits on demand. No appointment required. 
  • Can discreetly text with doctors as their day allows.

Hear what retail employees say about CirrusMD

Retail Employee

Retail Employee

Retail Employee

retail worker

“I really enjoyed the small amount of time the entire process took. The chat conversation was very similar to what I would have had in an in person visit, but took way less time.”

grocery store worker

“Texting can be easier than a face-to-face visit when dealing with mental health issues. I truly appreciate your text service.”

grocery worker

“This system is blowing my mind right now! A doctor responded to my question within seconds, recommended a solution to my ailment, and sent a prescription to my pharmacy. All of this happened in the span of a few minutes and saved me SO MUCH time and money!”